While speaking at the Party’s convention on Wednesday, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the reason that opposition parties have joined hands to save themselves from accountability. The premier assured that he would not let them get away with this and won’t give any sort of relief despite all their efforts.
“Let them do whatever they can I won’t give them NRO. Nawaz Sharif has asked to travel abroad for treatment. Isn’t it then the right of every other prisoner to go abroad for treatment,” he further added.
He also said that in Naya Pakistan law is same for everyone.
PM Imran said that former Punjab chief minister Shehbaz Sharif left Punjab in debt of Rs1100 billion. “They have then the audacity to daily sit on TV with their weird faces and accuse PTI of bad governance.”
He further expressed that he has full confidence in Usman Buzdar as a Chief Minister. He also said that time will prove he was the best choice for the post.
He said that it’s a shame that when Nawaz came in power he made 11 new companies but didn’t build a single quality hospital where he could have been treated today.